The Legend of The Mad Pickler

The Legend began decades ago on Avalon Isles, one of the most mysterious places on Earth! The Mad Pickler is believed to have
retreated there after going mad from his obsession with the game of Pickleball.
It is there that he setup his own pickleball courts underground with the help of the Valonese, an indigenous tribe who defend, often by force, their protected isolation from the outside world. Over the years word spread back to the mainland about a pickleball player so good that he had never been beaten, even against a team of two. Soon players like Ben Johns,Simone Jardim,Tyson McGruffin and Kyle Yates would make arrangements with The Mad Pickler to learn his techniques! The Mad Pickler had only one request, "To never tell anyone of the specific location of the courts and who they learned these skills from!", thus keeping his identity a secret. All players have agreed to his wishes to this day and in return have become the top players in the game of Pickleball worldwide! 

The Mad Pickler

The Mad Pickler has never been beaten in a game of Pickleball, even against a team of two. It is rumored that he learned some of those skills from mysterious creatures and people on Avalon Isles, a location hidden from the outside world.

Paddle Set


Aurelia is the Queen of Avalon Isles and has ruled for thousands of years. One of many Legends of the Fountain of Youth is said to have been located on Avalon Isles and may hold the secret of how Aurelia has maintained her beauty for so long. She is said to hold the power to distract an opponent with her beauty in the game of Pickleball, thus making it impossible to defeat her.

Paddle Set


The Guardian of The Kingdom of Avalon Isles. The last of The Magical White Lions on Earth. According to legend Azula single handedly destroyed The Tang Empire Army of China when they tried to invade Avalon Isles in 907A.D. The Tang Army was the strongest of all the Chinese Dynasties!

Paddle Set


Loyal companion to Azula and Guardian of The Kingdom of Avalon Isles.The last of the Blue Eyed White Panthers in the world. Zuko is said to have the ability to control air, water, earth and fire, thus helping with the protection of the Kingdom!

Paddle Set

The Azware

Royal Guards to Queen Aurelia and The Kingdom of Avalon Isles. Legend says they escaped the destruction of the Mythical City of Atlantis because of their superhuman strength and agility.

Coming Soon

Wonderian Warriors

The Wonderian protect the Avalonese people of The Kingdom of Avalon Isles. They all have Blonde or White hair and stand an average of seven foot tall. The Legend of the Amazonian women warriors originated from the Wonderian Warriors of the Avalon Isles, thus the name Wonder Woman!

Coming Soon


One of Two Guardian Dragons of The Kingdom of Avalon Isles.

Coming Soon


One of Two Guardian Dragons of The Kingdom of Avalon Isles.

Coming Soon

The Underground

The Mad Pickler only trust his designs and information to "The Underground"! It is a secret group that he has assembled to keep his identity and the locations of the underground pickleball courts built on Avalon Isles from the outside world.
